Group 2 (Grades 2, 3 & 4)
In Group 2 (Grades 3 & 4)
Social-Emotional Characteristics
Children this age are very concerned with fairness issues, but because they mostly operate on a concrete level, they focus on the letter—rather than the spirit—of the law.
They enjoy working cooperatively in groups, and they can often work productively and socialize.
Although they often make grandiose plans, children this age generally find it challenging to follow through. But they are also resilient and bounce back, ready to try the next big plan.
Especially at the older end of this age range, kids are prone to complaints about health and require a large number of band-aids.
Their use of language becomes more varied and complex. They become both more precise and more imaginative, using language to describe carefully and also to engage in wordplay.
Some Ways We Foster Growth in the Classroom
Morning Meeting – We provide a structured, reliable way to start each day, offering children a low-stress opportunity to re-enter the world of the classroom.
Homework folders – While children want to succeed academically, they often need help organizing their materials and time. By using folders and homework sheets, they are shown a way to keep track of work.
Small-group and paired activities – To capitalize on this age’s propensity for working together, we plan activities and games that allow them to share their ideas and skills with others.
Special days and celebrations – Children take on an active role suggesting, planning, and carrying out these special events.
Museums – To share what they have learned about a particular topic, the children prepare for and present exhibits and activities (and food!) for the rest of the school.
Tips for Parents
Gaining empathy, understanding and ability to take another’s perspective takes a long time and many, many repetitions. Be patient and persevere.
Learning to handle conflict is very important now. Using the Eye to Eye system of conflict resolution is helpful. Children can learn that: conflict can be resolved through mutual understanding; resolution may include compromise.
It is important to help children recognize that conflict is a common part of life and that much can be learned through conflict, about issues, about others and about themselves.
The expanding social world is important. Children in this group take up activities and drop them. Help your child choose one that you and your child agree will be ‘for the long haul’, and let your child try out others.
Invite friends over (more than once). Help your child test the waters with new friends.
Keep bedtimes regular and reasonable. Children need sleep at this age.
Have a routine for going to bed that helps leave the day behind. We recommend no electronics in the bedroom. Reading to your child is a wonderful way to help with going to bed.
Provide enough fuel to make it through the day. Healthy food matters.