Group 1 (Grades K, 1 & 2)
In Group 1 (Grades K, 1 & 2)
Social-Emotional Characteristics
Children are moving from parallel play to cooperative play.
They are egocentric but beginning to recognize that others’ may have different feelings and opinions.
They are learning to share, take turns, compromise, and cooperate.
They are learning to use words to describe their own feelings and are beginning to show empathy.
Children are beginning to shift away from adults being most important to peers being most important.
They are developing a conscience and becoming more independent.
Some Ways We Foster Growth in the Classroom
Morning arrival activities—set the stage for a positive day, socially.
Dramatic play – Children have a chance to play at being a grown-up and learn to negotiate and work cooperatively.
Cooperative games during math and spelling
Presenting and offering positive feedback during author’s chair
Inventing games and playing during recess
Field trips – “Communicating around a common experience is the easiest way of linking an individual with others, of connecting individuals to each other.” John Dewey.
Modeling kindness and empathy
Setting clear limits for physical and emotional well-being
Tips for Parents
Help your kids use “I statements” about what they like or don’t like and help them verbalize how that makes them feel, ie: I like it when you… It makes me feel…
Have play dates with a variety of children from your child’s group. Outside of school time with peers helps cement relationships.
Model acceptance and discuss appreciation of diversity.
Set clear limits for both physical and emotional safety. ie: It’s not okay for you to ….
Encourage play!
Be consistent with bedtime. Set a routine and make sure your child gets enough sleep.