Multi-age Homerooms
Our multi-age homerooms allow older students to lead and teach, setting strong, positive examples for the younger students in each group. Younger students learn from their older peers, observing their passion and love for learning, as well as absorbing the classroom culture and routines.
NCCL is comprised of four multi-age homeroom groups:
Group 1 includes Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades
Group 2 includes 3rd and 4th grades
Group 3 includes 5th and 6th grades
Group 4 includes 7th and 8th grades
Each group has a 2-3 year age span. There is overlap age-wise and academically between the groups so children can be placed appropriately academically, socially and emotionally.
Each homeroom group has between 18-24 children and 2 full-time teachers who work with them. There are also two assistant teachers who work with groups 1 and 2. The homeroom group is divided into smaller groups for classes so there are usually 9-12 children in a class group.
Some activities, such as science, social studies, etc., include all of the children and both teachers working together. This arrangement enables us to have small academic classes but still gives the children a large enough social group to foster social development.